
Downrigger Mounting Systems

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Downriggers open up a whole new world of fishing. They let you troll at any depth you want in the water column so you can present your baits and lures where the fish are rather than where you would like them to be. Locate your prey on your fishfinder, dial in the depth, let out the line and brace yourself for some fierce strikes.

Although downriggers are fairly easy to use, some questions may arise when you first install yours. For instance, where to mount downriggers? In theory, downrigger mounting options could include just about any place you could attach a downrigger mount to your boat. In practice, the smartest solution is usually to install your mounts and downriggers near your boat's stern. That will minimize tangles with your prop and generally getting in the way during your fishing activities.

Shop Our Mountain of Mounts

To ensure a secure connection between your downrigger and your boat, you want to use the top downrigger mounting systems. Here at FISH307, we carry all the top brands, like Scotty, Cannon and Big Jon. Our selection of quality downrigger mounting systems, parts and hardware means you can count on keeping your downrigger firmly attached to your boat - and fish firmly attached to your hooks.

Our selection of downrigger mounts gives you maximum flexibility for creating the kind of set-up you want. Choose from side-mount, deck plate and gimbal-mount models. If you don't want to drill or use hardware on your boat, our clamp mounts offer a smart option. Simply clamp them on to a gunwale or transom, attach your downrigger and you're good to go. We also carry glue-on mount pads for inflatable boats.

When you shop online with us, you can also locate all those hard-to-find downrigger mount parts and accessories you've been looking for. These include rivets, release pins and lock-down bolts.